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These preferences will not affect The Home Depot companies that are treated as separate businesses. Click here for the privacy preference options for these businesses. Click here to view the Privacy Statement for our store.
Updates to your privacy preference information will be submitted once the Set Preferences button has been selected.
Our store would like to contact you with information about products, services, special offers and other promotions by email.Please let us know your email preferences.
Data Sharing for Catalog Mailings
From time to time, we may share your name, address and transactional information about products you have purchased from a Home Depot catalog. Our store will only share this information with carefully screened companies so that you may receive future catalogs offerings about other products and services that may be of interest to you. Please indicate below if you wish to not have your information shared with these companies.
Submitted by Phil.blain on Mon, 03/23/2020 - 17:16 Permalink
I am trying to buy a Marazzi
Submitted by steiny010460 on Sat, 07/11/2020 - 13:10 Permalink
Did me the same way wondering
Submitted by willyokel on Mon, 08/10/2020 - 18:20 Permalink
Did anyone every reply to you
Same here
Submitted by tamaraglover on Fri, 02/26/2021 - 01:29 Permalink
Is there a phone number to
Submitted by thomasderemer2 on Tue, 01/16/2024 - 18:03 Permalink
how do I check on my order?
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